Contains:  Other
Sagittarius Star Factory (Hubble Palette), Terry Hancock

Sagittarius Star Factory (Hubble Palette)

Sagittarius Star Factory (Hubble Palette), Terry Hancock

Sagittarius Star Factory (Hubble Palette)


This 4 panel Hubble Palette Mosaic will be my last addition to this area until 2015. Covering an area of sky equal to 4 x 7 degrees, this image is 3714 pixels high x 6864 pixels wide. Captured over 8 nights from my backyard observatory close to Fremont Michigan using QHY11/Takahashi E-180.

Larger Annotated version here:

Total Exposure 16 hours

Image details

Location: DownUnder Observatory, Fremont MI

Date of Shoot: August, September 2014

H-Alpha 416 min, 52 x 8 min bin 1x1

OIII 320 min, 40 x 8 min bin 1x1

LRGB 288 min, 18 x 2 min eaach bin 1x1

QHY11 monochrome CCD cooled to -20C

Takahashi E-180 F2.8 Astrograph

Paramount GT-1100S German Equatorial Mount

Image Acquisition Maxim DL

Stacking and Calibrating: CCDStack

Post Processing Photoshop CS5

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Sagittarius Star Factory (Hubble Palette), Terry Hancock